Immune-Boosting Foods: Enhancing the fortification process of our body This is the inside story of our body.
You need to know that approximately 70% of the body’s immune system is based in the digestive system. It is true that a healthy digestion system determines our immune system and the foods we consume strengthen our immunity or otherwise. Especially when we go into colder months or during any heightened levels of stress we know that it’s imperative to fuel ourselves with the right foods for our defenses. Based on the research made, this article is devoted to the description of the list of important immunity-boosting foods that will be helpful at any season. Regardless of what we are striving for, natural immune boosters, foods to strengthen immunity, or just some additional defense, nutrition makes all the difference.

Why Foods That Promote the Immune System Matter
We now know that the immune system is actually the body’s own protection against different pathogenic organisms including virus, bacteria among others. It never rests in ensuring we live healthy lives as it tries to find ways in which it can eliminate a possible danger.
However, to stay strong and healthy, we identify that the immune system needs to be nourished appropriately. Well, that is where foods that enhance the body’s immune system come in handy.
The actual nutrients boost the manufacture of bodies’ immune cells, decrease inflammation, and enhance our body’s ability to combat infections. However, with today’s array of foods available in the market, it’s important that those that boost the immune system are identified. Well, here are some of the best immune system boosters for a healthy body
The Many Foods That Can Help in Boosting The Immune System
In this part of the series, we’re going to identify some of the best immune booster foods that will provide our body with the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants required to ‘fight the system’. By including such as these foods to strengthen immune system into our systems we should be capable of enjoying improved health and defense mechanisms.

1. Citrus Fruits: Vitamin C Powerhouses
And speaking of foods that strengthen the immune system, we would probably first consider the so-called citrus fruits. Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes have abundant with vitamin C which is one of the best nutrients for the immune system. Vitamin C also contributes to the construction of white blood cells which are so important in the body for eliminating diseases.
Indeed, research indicates that vitamin C has the potential to alleviate both the severity and the length of time of common colds making citrus fruits one of the best foods for immune system. Plain orange, one glass of this fruit can meet vitamin C our body requires to boost up the immune system.
Therefore you can decide to take a few slices of an orange during breakfast or even drinking a glass of lemon water in between breakfast and other meals.

2. Garlic: A Natural Immunity Booster
Garlic is not only a tasty spice to be added in the food we eat, but it is also one of the best known natural enhancers of human immunity. way in which it boosts the immune system: Garlic has a compound called allicin that works on the white blood cells. There is also evidence for antimicrobial and anti-viral characteristics of this compound and, so, garlic can surely enhance any diet that aims at overall stabilization of the immunity level.
Garlic also reduces blood pressure, boost heart health and fights inflammation making it the ultimate all-purpose food in the kitchen and your body.
To get the most from garlic, use fresh garlic in soups, stews, or roasted vegetables if you want to have a healthy meal.

3. Ginger: A root with many flavors and regular health-enhancing properties
Ginger is still another natural immune support food. Being an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substance, ginger plays an important role of reducing inflammation that affects immunes system. It also helps with circulation and will allow immune cells to be delivered to problem areas more effectively.
It is, therefore, popularly used in treatment of cold-cough, nausea and most especially digestive disorders. It also mentioned in some research that ginger has the potential of shortening the time which one spends with a flu.
To get a tasty boost in the immune system it is recommended to take ginger in your morning tea or smoothies.

4. Spinach: A Leafy Green Superfood
Spinach is among the best foods for boosting the immune system that we can add to our list of foods we consume daily. Spinach is an important immunity booster that contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and folate. Beta carotene combines with vitamin C to help prevent our cells from getting damaged; folate is responsible for synthesis of body cells including the immune cells.
Moreover, spinach keeps us supplied with Iron, which plays the role of building Hemoglobin and helps the oxygenated blood to transport to immune system. This verdant vegetable is a real erythrobic when it comes to enhancing the immune system.
The best thing about spinach is that can be eaten raw or be used in cooking—include it in your salad, blend it into a shake/juice or fry it as a veggie.

5. Almonds: A Nutrient-Packed Snack
Almonds rich in above said nutrients also contain vitamin E, which is very essential for our immune system. Vitamin E is a special type of vitamin known as the antioxidant that plays an important role in protecting our body cells against destructive behaviors known as oxidation besides playing an important role in the manufacture of immune cells. Almonds also contain healthy fats, fiber and protein which makes it also good for snacking.
Consuming just a few almonds each day will ensure that our immune response is as strong as it needs to be thanks to the vitamin E it contains.
Consume almonds at least four small handfuls per day, or you can add them on your salads or yogurt.

6. Yogurt: Consuming Probiotics for a Health Digestive System
For instance, if you did not know, a healthy gastrointestinal tract is a sure way of having a strong immune system. Approximately 70% of our lymphocytes are located in the gastrointestinal tract, and a serving microbiome is critical to overall health. Many researchers have recommended that we take foods rich in probiotics to improve our gut health and yogurt falls among these foods.
These bacteria present in yogurt assist in reducing the occurrence of unhealthy bacteria in the body making ours system more effective in combating diseases. Choose yogurt that is not flavored and does not contain added sugars; that which has active and live cultures will be most helpful.
Hear advocates eating yogurt with fresh berry and honey for a yummy snack that enhances the body’s immunity.

7. Turmeric: Golden Spice for Inflammation
Curcumin has become the focus of much attention in the last few years as a result of its highly beneficial health values and its capability to reduce inflammation. Curcumin the active ingredient in turmeric assists in minimizing inflammation and encourages the functioning of the immune system. It also has anti microbial agent in it thus helping to fighting off the infection within our bodies.
To include more turmeric in your diet, you can sprinkle some onto your soups, stews, and curries, or drink golden tea (hot milk with turmeric and a dash of black pepper).
I suggest trying dietary supplementation with one teaspoon of turmeric in the morning smoothies for the simplest immune system boost.

8. Bell Peppers: Vitamin C And Its Rich Abundance In One Of Nature’s Most Beautiful Gifts Orange.
Besides the citruses, bell peppers are also very high in vitamin C. A single serving of a chopped red bell pepper can contain more than double the daily required intake of vitamin C! Vitamin C is important for the production of collagen – we need collagen for the health of our skin, tissues, and immune cells!
Bell peppers are also a source of beta carotene essential for the growth of skins and mucous membranes which help fight off infection.
Use bell peppers in salads, stir fried meals, or bake and add on to your meals, as they enhance the nutritional value of your meals.

9. Green Tea: A Hydrating Immune Boost
Other than being a natural drink, green tea is among the top foods that help boost the immune system. It’s full of catechins that are antioxidants which strengthens the activity of immune cells and combat infections. Green tea has also inflammation relieving and bacterial/viral fighting qualities and should be consumed for overall health.
Whether it’s served hot with lemon and honey or chilled with a slice of lime, it’s possible to take green tea in between meals and throughout the day and give the body what it needs to avoid getting sick.
Drinking green tea as when you wake up or before going to bed also has a great impact on your immune health.

10. Mushrooms: The Fungi with Possible Positive Immunity Effects
There are some types of the mushrooms which has high concentration of the compounds that boosts the immune system such as shiitake, maitake and reishi. These mushrooms have beta glucans – compounds that assist with the activation of certain immune cells and may also increase the overall efficiency of the body’s immune response. Furthermore, mushrooms are good source of antioxidants that facilitates the protection of cells in our body.
Key Takeaways
When we consume different foods that help strengthen the immune system then our immune system will receive the necessary nutrients to help it fight off diseases. Some of the top immunity foods that provide natural immune support include:
Vitamin C containing fruits such as the; Garlic (with alliin for immune stimulation)
Ginger – Ginger has high content of anti – inflammation compounds.
Spinach (Source of vitamin A, B, C, E and K, folic acids, manganese, magnesium and chromium).
Almonds that contain high amounts of vitamin E.
Yogurt (it contains probiotics that are good for stomach and intestines).
Turmeric (anti-inflammatory curcumina)
Bell peppers – a brightly colored vegetable that provides the body with vitamin C.
The Anti-cancer herbs (Green tea – catechins for immune cell stimulation)
Mushrooms: [Beta glucans for stimulating the formation of immune cells]
Including these virus fighting foods to our anti-infection diet can ensure that we do not just strengthen our defense mechanisms but also have a strong within the body. In addition to quality sleep, healthy workout and stress, the diet high in nutrients will maintain the immunity sharp and developed enough to ward off sickness.
FAQ: Immune-Boosting Foods
1. That being said, what are the foods for strengthening the immune system?
Are you ready to prepare a list of strategic foods that are immune boosters? Then the list includes oranges, garlic, ginger, spinach, almonds, yogurt, turmeric, bell peppers, green tea and mushrooms, among others. These foods contain nutrients that help the immune system to perform its function well.
2. Can these foods halt the progression of colds?
There is no special food that would cure the common cold but foods with immune enhancing properties can help to lessen the duration and intensity of any flu like symptoms.
3. What foods should I consume and how can I do this?
These foods can be incorporated into your diet by blending, in salads, in soups, in stews, sautéed in stir-fries or as between meals snacks. Try new recipes often in order to find what will work for your hair best!
Changing our food habits a little and opting for nutrient-dense immunity strengthening healthy foods should be enough to help maintain a healthy body throughout the year. Let us feed our bodies with the energy needed and go for those oxygen producing body supplements.