How Long Do Shrooms Last in Your Body?

How Long Do Shrooms Last in Your Body? Understanding the Duration and Effects

How Long Do Shrooms Last in Your Body? Understanding the Duration and Effects

Did you know that psilocybin the active ingredient in magic mushrooms shrooms can remain in your system for hours but determining how long it stays in a detectable form is more complicated? Many people think shrooms effects fade when the high is over but the truth is more complicated. A range of factors can influence how the body processes shrooms which in turn determines how long their effects and the substance of shrooms itself stay in our system.

Magic mushrooms are famous for their psychedelic effects but many people want to know how long do shrooms stay in your system and whether they can show up on drug tests. This article will dive into how psilocybin is metabolized how long it lasts and how long traces of shrooms can stay in the body.


Magic mushrooms or shrooms have been used for ages for recreational and spiritual purposes. They are home to psilocybin a naturally occurring compound that produces hallucinogenic effects. As their popularity has soared in the U.S. and globally so have questions about their safety side effects and how long they last.

One of the most common questions is: How long do shrooms stay in your body? The question is not as simple to answer as it appears. How long psilocybin remains in your body is a function of several factors including your metabolism dosage and how often you use. Knowing how the body metabolizes shrooms can help inform choices you make and set expectations whether you’re trying shrooms for the first time or considering what a shroom trip means in a medical situation.

In this article we’re going to go over everything you need to know about how long shrooms stay in your system how they’re metabolized and how long shroom effects can last.

What Happens When You Take Shrooms?

Before we get into how long shrooms last in your body it helps to understand how they affect you when you take them.

When you take magic mushrooms your body breaks down the psilocybin contained in them. Psilocybin is the active psychedelic component and when you consume it it’s metabolized into psilocin in your system. The substance responsible for the altering effects we associate with shrooms is psilocin.

The effects generally begin 20 to 40 minutes after consumption although it may take longer to start working depending on the method of ingestion. Usually the high peeks around 1 to 2 hours after consuming which can last for 4 to 6 hours. But psilocybin’s effect on your body doesn’t stop once the hallucinations subside.

What Is the Duration of Shroom Effects?

Magic mushrooms have effects that can last for several hours depending on the person as well as the dose. The effects last on average around 4 to 6 hours but here’s a breakdown of the typical stages:

1. Onset (20 – 40 minutes after consumption):

If the mushrooms are eaten on an empty stomach you may start feeling effects after 20 minutes. Some feel light or tingly in their body.

2. Peak (1-2 hours after consumption):

The peak is the height of the psychedelic experience when hallucinations and altered perception are at their most intense All of this can happen in a period of time when colors appear brighter sounds are distorted and you feel a sense of light or deep realization.

3. Come Down (3-6 hours after consumption):

As peak wears off you’ll enter the crash phase. Visual and auditory effects become less intense and mental effects start to stabilize. At this stage you might feel tired or emotionally depleted but you’re probably still experiencing some hangover effects such as changes in thinking or mood.

How Long Does Psilocybin remain in your system?

Magic mushrooms′ main compound psilocybin is processed by the body into psilocin. Psilocin has a relatively short half life approximately 3 hours which means that it is metabolized and eliminated from the body rather quickly.

However how long psilocybin or psilocin remains in your system varies depending on different factors including:

  • Metabolism: Individuals with heightened metabolic rates might expedite the processing and turning over of psilocybin.
  • Dosage: The higher the dose of shrooms the longer it takes to leave the body.
  • Frequency of use: If you use psilocybin chronically you may have traces of psilocybin in your body longer.
  • Hydration and diet: Maintaining proper hydration and eating a healthy diet can promote faster metabolism.

How Long Do Shrooms Stay in Your System

While psilocybin and psilocin are quickly cleared from your system the remnants of these compounds are still detectable in some circumstances including when undergoing drug tests. So how long is psilocybin detectable on different tests?

Urine Tests:

Drug testing through urine is one of the most frequently used methods to check for drugs in the body. Psilocybin will rarely be detected in urine immediately after intake but for up to 1 to 3 days in most users. However, the metabolites of psilocybin such as psilocin can remain detectable for up to a week in some cases depending on factors such as the user’s metabolism and dose.

Blood Tests:

Psilocybin and psilocin break down fast making blood tests an infrequent option to screen for psilocybin use. Psilocybin can usually be detected in blood for 24 hours after consumption but this can vary based on your body’s metabolism.

Hair Follicle Tests:

Hair follicle tests are very sensitive and can detect drug use up to 90 days before. Psilocybin is not a common drug of abuse and as a result it is not commonly included in standard hair follicle drug tests.

Saliva Tests:

Psilocybin is not commonly detected in saliva tests but there may be traces for up to 24 hours after consumption. These aren’t as common for shrooms either like blood tests.

How Long Are Shrooms in Your System: Factors Influencing Duration

And though psilocybin should generally be gone from your system within 24 hours there are a few things that not only affect how long shrooms might last in your body but also what effects they may have.

  1. Your Metabolism: A faster metabolism will help process and eliminate the substances more quickly.
  2. Dosage: The higher the dose of shrooms taken the longer it will take to be metabolized and excreted from the body.
  3. Hydration: When you are hydrated your body is a better machine to flush substances out of you and this goes for psilocybin and psilocin too.
  4. Body Fat: Being water soluble psilocybin may be held up slightly in body fat pesticide which can slightly affect elimination.
  5. Frequency of Use: For regular users, there may be some accumulation of psilocybin in your body over time which may slightly increase the detection window.

How Long Do Shrooms Last for Impact on the Brain?

Psilocybin might even result in lingering effects on the brain after the physical effects of shrooms dissipate like alterations in mood or perception. The compound can activate serotonin receptors resulting in to permanent alterations in your mood and mental state.

For others this can be a deeply positive experience providing new perspective and insights. Some however may be left with a post truth hangover in the form of mixed feelings of elated up-swellings of emotion which may expand for a few days. That’s why it’s crucial to allow yourself space and time to process the experience especially if it’s your first time working with shrooms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Shrooms effects typically last 4-6 hours with the peak occurring around 1 to 2 hours after intake.
  • Psilocybin is metabolized in your body into psilocin with a half-life of around 3 hours.
  • Urine tests can find psilocybin metabolites for 1-3 days and blood tests are most effective in 24 hours.
  • Metabolism dosage and frequency of use are just a few factors that can affect how long psilocybin remains in your system.
  • Psilocybin however typically does not remain in the body longer than a day or two but can leave lasting changes in mood and perception.


1. How long do the effects of magic mushrooms last?

The effects also last 4 to 6 hours while peak effects are seen between 1-2 hours after ingestion.

2. How long does psilocybin remain in your system?

Psilocybin is metabolized and leaves the body relatively fast usually in less than 24 hours although it can be traced in urine for upto 3 days.

3. Would I test positive for shrooms on a drug test?

Most standard pre employment tests don’t include psilocybin but it can show up in a urine test for as long as 3 days post ingestion.

4. How long does shroom afterglow last?

The aftereffects which may involve emotional changes or differences in thinking may linger for several hours to a few days.

5. What influences how long shrooms stay in your system?

Factors such as metabolism dosage hydration and body fat can all impact how long psilocybin remains in your system.

6. Do shrooms work the same for everyone?

No every psychedelic trip is unique to the body and the mind of the tripper as well as the setting in which the drug is take


In summary you will only have magic mushrooms in your system for a relatively short amount of time though the effects can last in your brain for hours and even days. Psilocybin for its part does not remain in the body long enough to be discovered via standard drug tests within three days but terms psilocybin[5] of its metabolism may help users organize appropriately paying special attention to the fate of this substance in the individual concerned regarding detection or duration of effects.

Whether you’re using shrooms for fun spiritual reasons, or for their potential therapeutic benefits it’s important to understand how your body processes them. Knowing how long shrooms stay in your body can help you be more mindful in your experience and be prepared for your trip.

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